
Utilties and base classes to use when writing providers.

class AddressResult()

A result returned by

  • label (string) – A human-friendly label for the search result.
  • data (object) – A map of key-value pairs to store on a person’s contact object if they select this result. See LocationState.store_contact_data() for a description of how this data is stored.
class FixtureParameterMissingError()

Error raised when a parameter required to create a fixture was not provided.

  • message (string) – An explanation of which parameter was not provided.
class Provider()

A base class for address search providers.

Extensions to this class should implement init() and search().

static init()

Initialization function invoked during state initialization.

  • im (InteractionMachine) – The state’s InteractionMachine() instance.

May return a promise that fires once initialization is complete.

static search(query_text)

Return an ordered list of locations matching the query via a promise that is fulfilled when the search results are ready.

  • query_text (string) – The search query.

A promise that yields the list of AddressResult() instances.

class ProviderNotImplementedError()

Error raised when a method on a provider has not been implemented.

  • message (string) – An explanation of which method was not implemented.