
class GoogleMaps(opts)

An address search provider for Google Maps.

static extract_address(result)

Takes a result from the Google Maps API and returns a AddressResult() for it.

  • result (object) – A raw GoogleMaps result.

An Addressresult().

Calls GoogleMaps.extract_address_label() and GoogleMaps.extract_address_data() for the label and data respectively.

static extract_address_data(result)

Extracts address data to store on a contact when an address is selected. See LocationState.store_contact_data() for a description of how this data is stored.

Returns the object:

    formatted_address: result.formatted_address

May be overriden using the extract_address_data class option.

  • result (object) – A location result from the Google Maps API.
Returns object:

An object of key-value pairs to store in contact data.

static extract_address_label(result)

Returns the value of result.formatted_address as a human-friendly display name for a Google Maps location result.

May be overriden using the extract_address_label class option.

  • result (object) – A location result from the Google Maps API.
Return string:

The label to display for this result.

static init()

Initialization function invoked during state initialization.

  • im (InteractionMachine) – The state’s InteractionMachine() instance.
static search(query_text)

Return an ordered list of locations matching the query via a promise that is fulfilled when the search results are ready.

Returns an empty list if an error occurs while accessing the GoogleMaps API.

  • query_text (string) – The search query.

A promise that yields the list of search results.


Returns an HTTP resource fixture for a GoogleMaps location query.

  • opts.query (string) – The address that is to be queried. Required.
  • opts.address_list (array of strings) – A list of formatted_address``es that should be sent in the response. If response_data is included, this will be ignored. Defaults to ``[].
  • opts.request_url (string) – URL for the HTTP request. Defaults to "".
  • opts.response_data (object) –

    An that object that represents the response from the Google Maps API. This overrides the response data generated from opts.address_list. Example response data:

        status: "OK",
        results: [
                formatted_address: "1 Baker Street",
                formatted_address: "2 Baker Street",


    .setup(function(api) {
                request: "New Street",
                address_list: [
                    "New Street 1", "New Street 2",